Thursday, June 12, 2014

So You Want to Start a Blog? - Top Five Tips for Newbies

I am in between some projects right now and wanted to take some time to share my newbie blogging experience with anyone out there that is thinking or dreaming of starting a blog. If anyone would have told me a year ago that I would be running my own blog and that people would actually be reading it, I would have thought they were crazy. 

I started this blog as a way to share my love of crafting and my DIY adventures with family and friends, but it has grown into so much more than that. It has become a creative outlet for me that is really breathing new life into my everyday. For anyone that has toyed with the idea of starting a blog, I want to be the first to say, "Go for it!" 

By no means am I an expert, but I want to share just a few things I have learned in the past six months with Pretty Distressed.

Top Five Tips for Starting A Blog

1. Don't wait. You are never going to feel like you have enough time to blog. It is so easy to set up a template with numerous free platforms like Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, Medium, etc. If you feel inspired, just jump in and start writing. You can slowly hone in on what you want your site to look like and what you want to share with each post.

2. Narrow your focus. When I first started out blogging, I wanted to write about all the things I loved about being a girl. As you can imagine, that was a pretty long list. I decided to trim down that list and focus on the thing that was most important to me and the area I had the most ideas to share - home decor for the everyday gal. Not to say I can't ever stray away from this subject on a post or two, but my readers know what they are getting when they visit my site which is important.

3. Be passionate. Don't just write about what you know or what you think might attract the most readers. Write about what you love. If you aren't passionate about your subject matter it will eventually show through. And worse, it will feel like work. Since I stay at home with my children and can only blog during "my time," I want to enjoy blogging and not dread having to sit down to write a post.

4. Be a part of the community. Don't be an island unto yourself. The whole reason blogging works is because of the community that is created by sharing, complementing and collaborating. Visit other blogs, leave comments, link back to other sites, reach out to bloggers you love, etc. I have met some great people from across the country and in my backyard that inspire me on a daily basis.  

5. Don't compare. This is easier said then done, right? That fact is there are thousands of bloggers out there doing the exact same thing you are, so don't get caught up in the comparison game. Some of these bloggers are very well established and connected as they have been doing this for years. Know that you have something unique to share and don't get caught up in how many page views you have or the number of sponsorship opportunities that come your way. If you are writing great content and networking, the readers will come. 

Blogging in its purest form is more about passion than money. I think if your goal is to make money, you are always going to be disappointed in the end. Personally, I get the most out of receiving comments on my posts from people I have never met or getting a response from a blogger who I really admire. I was featured this week on Wow Us Wednesday over at Savvy Southern Style, and you would have thought I won the lottery the way I was beaming all day. I have also had a few sponsor opportunities come my way and have been able to drum up some clients for my small furniture painting business as well which was unexpected and a huge blessing.  

I hope these tips are an encouragement to you. If you take the plunge, send me your site. I would love to be part of your community. Good luck newbie bloggers!


  1. Thanks so much for this post. I just finished watching your tutorials on chalk painting( the dresser). After watching several, yours were the best! I've been blogging for quite some time now, and I have always been too shy to comment or connect. Thanks for the encouragement. I look forward to browsing your blog...
    Nanette Stein ( Jerseyville, Illinois)

    1. Thank you for your heartfelt words! I checked out your site and you have some great projects. Keep it up.

  2. Thank you so much for the encouragement! I am definitely a newbie blogger trying to find my way;0)

  3. Great tips! Thanks for the reminder not to compare yourself to others. I have a really hard time with that one :)

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