Monday, September 15, 2014

A Golden Experience at Goldfish Swim School in St. Charles

Over the summer, I was contacted by the owner of Goldfish Swim School in St. Charles, Alex Tyler. He offered a six week trial of lessons for both of my kids in return for my honest review of our experience. This place really lives up to its slogan. Our experience was truly golden. 

Courtesy of Goldfish Swim School
Goldfish offers a variety of classes from a 4:1 student/teacher ratio to one on one classes. At the introductory level, you are looking at $80 per month for one class a week per child. You can learn more about cost specifics by checking out their swim lesson fee page. While that might seem like a large investment compared to your local park district program, I can tell you first hand it is worth it. 

My son learned more in one class than he did an entire 8 class/2 week program at our local pool. I was really impressed that he was learning and accomplishing a new skill each week. He went from being a kid who wouldn't even stick his face in the water at week one to doing a "superman" glide underwater for about 5 feet by himself by week six. He also loved their ribbon system where kids can earn different ribbons each week for completing a new skill. It is a real cause for celebration.

Courtesy of Goldfish Swim School
The classes last for 25 minutes where parents can watch through an observation glass, and the last 5 minutes of class are a chance for parents to come on the pool deck, talk to the instructor and see what their child learned that lesson. The instructors are amazing as well. They are truly passionate about getting your child comfortable in the water. I saw a huge difference in their investment in my kids versus lessons I have done at other local pools. This is what they do day in and out. It isn't a side job required because they want to lifeguard during the summer, and it shows.

The Goldfish philosophy is simple and clear from your very first lesson. They want children to be comfortable in the water and safe. Each lesson has several specific safety skills they cover should a child find themselves alone in a pool like turning around to get to the closest wall and doing a "click clack" hand walk to a ladder. My 2 year-old daughter can now get out of the pool by herself from the wall without a ladder.

The facility itself is quite impressive, too. The pool is heated to 90 degrees which means no screaming or shivering kids- or moms and dads. They have a bank of warm showers for washing off after class and large private changing rooms. They also have hair dryers and a diaper station which makes it easier to head out and run those errands right after class without soggy kids.

Check out this video from their site where owner, Alex Tyler, talks about everything Goldfish has to offer and why he is so passionate about teaching kids how to swim and water safety skills.
We will definitely be back to Goldfish Swim School, and I hope you get the chance to check them out, too. Give Goldfish Swim School St. Charles a call and ask about their free trial lesson. I hope your experience will be as golden as ours was.

Disclaimer: I was given, six weeks of free lessons for my two children in return for an honest review of my experience. The opinions stated in this post are 100% mine and true.

1 comment:

  1. We love Goldfish in St. Charles, too! My daughter has a smile on her face nearly the entire lesson - I love seeing her giving a "high five" to her instructor. And I'm looking forward to relaxing in the warm viewing deck this winter - and taking advantage of some of the family swim sessions. It's truly a great resource for families.


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