Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday!

Happy New Year, readers, and Happy Birthday to Pretty Distressed! I started this blog one year ago today as a creative outlet for a burnt out stay at home mommy. I didn't know if anyone would ever see it or if I had the discipline to keep at it. A year into it, I can say I feel truly blessed for where God has allowed this blog to go.

When I started out, I don't think I believed anyone would read it. I now average around 20,000 page views a month. I know this is small potatoes versus some really successful DIY and home decor bloggers out there, but it really is enough for me. I also never imagined it would turn into a small business where I could make some supplemental income for my family, but I have worked with clients to refinish furniture for them and even sold some pieces, too. This was an answer to a vision God put on my heart a couple of years ago. It really is true, that His ways are higher than ours. I never could of dreamed up that this would be the answer to my prayer.

My hope for Pretty Distressed is to keep it going as long as you keep coming back to read it. I have loved hearing from some of you and answering your questions or just hearing about your projects. I know this pregnancy has slowed me down a little bit, and inevitably, my new baby will limit the amount of projects I can take on. I am okay with that because I will always be a mommy first. One thing I am certain, I will never run out of ideas to makeover my home or Goodwill finds. My hope is that you will stick with me as I continue on this journey.

Here is a look back at my top five favorite projects of 2014.

Thank you and here's to a healthy and joyful 2015!


  1. Cathi shared your link and it popped up on my newsfeed on Facebook. Just wanted to say you're an inspiration and a reminder to trust in God's plan for my life. I'm a military wife and stay at home mom who found a passion for redoing furniture just as we were packing up our things to move overseas. I'd been missing the creativity from my designer days at an architecture firm and though it's all on the back burner now, you remind me that God will always answer our hearts prayers, in His time. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and your kind words!

  2. Hi! I love your blog so much! Congrats on a year (a year and a half now) of blogging :) your dining room post has been a major source of inspiration for me! We have a very similar table, cane chairs and all! I have purchased the Old White paint and I'm hoping mine looks nearly as good as yours! I was wondering how the paint has held up to wear and tear? Thank you!! :)

  3. Hi! Just thought I'd leave a little note and say keep up the good work! You're an inspiration and encouraged me to refinish a hutch I had been struggling with tackling to get ready for our coming baby, this June! It's going to look beautiful in her her nursery! :) I was inspired by the desk you did in Duck Egg Blue, so beautiful!
    Well, thanks again for all the information and inspiration, God is at work even when we don't see or feel it. God bless you and your family so much, Christina <3


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